Our Company provides consultancy, training, mentoring, support, in the following areas:
- Building "Single Source Of Truth"
- Documentation based on modeling
- Sparxsystem tools - Enterprise Architect modeler
Cooperation with our company can increase the quality of all processes related to actual "documentation" from
business processes, development, operation, reduce risk of lost of non substituable team members,
increase efficiency of repeatable activities, support all process in IT (not only) companies.
All team members, especially decision makers profit from "single source of Truth".
- * 3Rs =Right Information - In Right Time - For Right Role
- Common Repository based System for Documentation
- Systematic approach to system documentation
- Metadata based documentation
- Life cycle approach to all system elements - * Enterprise Architecture in praxis (TOGAF, Archimate, ITIL,...)
- pragmatic implementation in Small, middle companies - * Knowledge base management system based on UML modeler (Sparx Systems, Enterprise Architect)
- deep knowledge of Enterprise Architect EA (Sparx system tool) - EA as the Group System tool - * Support in changing the way of thinking
- "Documentation (modeling) is regular part of my daily work"
Instead of "Documentation in IT is creating at the end of the work"
- administering EA infrastructure, DB repository , Sparx Cloud Services
- project browser structure based on real demands
- automation of routine works
- customer specific extension
- creating MDG (Model Driven Generation)
- * Consultancy
- training, mentoring
- Customer Document Templates for automatic generating Documentation
Education, Research, Maker Space
- Cooperation with Universities
- Active participation on maker space - FALAB CVTI Bratislava
- Makerfair Vienna 2017
details see www.agnicoli.org